Friday, June 30, 2006

Save the Internet � Blog Archive � Stopping the Big Giveaway - by John Kerry

Save the Internet � Blog Archive � Stopping the Big Giveaway - by John Kerry: "Everyone says they don't want the new world we're living in to be marked by the digital divide, the term is so cliched it's turned to mush but yesterday was a test of who is willing to ask corporate America to do anything to fix it, and the Commerce Committee failed miserably. Why are United States Senators afraid to say that companies should be expected to foster growth by building out their broadband networks to increase access?
Free and open access to the internet is something all Americans should enjoy, regardless of what financial means they're born into or where they live. It is profoundly disappointing that the Senate is going let a handful of companies hold internet access hostage by legalizing the cherry-picking of cable service providers and new entrants."

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