Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - War game will focus on situation with Iran - War game will focus on situation with Iran
The July exercise may have real-world consequences since Iran could interpret it as evidence the United States plans to attack, said Khalid al-Rodhan, an Iran expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"Anything the U.S. will do in the region will be seen as further provocation," al-Rodhan said. "Given what's happening in Iraq, it's clear the Iranians are afraid of U.S. intentions."

In the meantime, the Pentagon is also collecting and interpreting photos and other intelligence data about Iran's facilities, developing weapons to attack hardened targets and laying the policy groundwork for a possible strike, Gen. John Abizaid, head of U.S. Central Command, said in recent congressional testimony.

Add to this the Divine Straker scenario with testing in June, and just when do you think we might invade Iraq? Well, at least before the 2006 elections, if not sooner. They (Bush & Co.) must rule us through fear, to get us to keep believing they will protect us. How better to up his lousy poll ratings?

The question remains, how amazingly stupid are the American people?

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