Friday, April 29, 2005

Two stupid Bush things this week...

Ok, Bush makes less and less sense to me. Yesterday his speech, including Social Security changes was the first stupid thing.

Why? Well, President Bush said on Tuesday (April 5,2005) in Parkersburgh West Virginia the Social Security trust fund doesn't exist, and that the Treasury bonds held by the program are "just IOUs" that will put an added fiscal burden on future generations unless the entitlement program is overhauled. He went on to say: "There is no trust fund, just IOUs that I saw firsthand that future generations will pay -- will pay for either in higher taxes, or reduced benefits, or cuts to other critical government programs."

Ok, those were Treasury bonds, the same ones he referred to in his speech on Thursday, April 28, as the investment option for "private accounts." On that date he stated that Treasury bonds were "good as gold."

Does anyone else see the faulty logic in this besides me? Treasury bonds are worthless for Social Security, but ok for "private accounts?" It sounds more like we are being sold down the river, in more ways than one.

The second stupid thing, his energy proposal. Drill for more oil. Not conservation, not programs for development of alternative energy, no... drill for more oil. Did he sleep through 5th grade science? Did he not learn that oil, or any other natural resource is not infinite? Maybe infinite is too big a word for him. Oil WILL run out, it's a fact. What an idiot.

He "cares about" the poor? His touted Social Security plan "where benefits for low-income workers will grow faster than benefits for people who are better off" sounds great, but ignores the fact that poor people in this country have just had Medicaid funding cut by billions, have no access to health care, poor schools, no child care options, and Head Start funds have been cut. Sure it would be nice to benefit the poor in their old age, but what about now?

This is not the country I grew up in. I am disgusted and angry about it. Bush is the President of lies and the purveyor of total eyewash and Orwellian speech.

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