Saturday, February 03, 2007

Punch my card for Gitmo

"A citizen, no less than an alien, can be an enemy combatant,” administration lawyer David B. Salmons told a federal appeals court in Richmond, Virginia, on Feb. 1, adding that on such issues, the courts cannot interfere with the President’s wartime judgments.

Salmons did pledge that the Executive Branch will use care in deciding who is designated an “enemy combatant.” In response to one judge’s question about the President applying the tag to an activist from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Salmons joked, “the representative of PETA can sleep well at night.”

Nevertheless, Salmons argued that the judgment on who is deemed an “enemy combatant” is solely the discretion of President Bush. [NYT, Feb. 2, 2007

Yep, punch my card for Gitmo. Our "fearless leader" can deem anyone that disagrees with him as an eneny combatant. And, we live in a free country? What about the constitution? Oh, I guess the "fearless leader" and his cronies believe the constitution is just a quaint old document. Never mind the fact that they pledged to protect and defend the constitution. Dissidents will be disappeared? Wait and see, comrades.

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