Dirty LibbyRichard Bradley
November 17, 2005
I don’t normally associate bestiality with Republicans, because they screw poor people more than animals. But in Scooter Libby’s case, one has to make an exception....Libby’s 1996 novel, The Apprentice, which chronicles the depraved training of a Japanese prostitute...So the fact that Dick Cheney’s closest confidante scripted a work featuring bestiality, rape and general licentiousness would seem to constitute hypocrisy in the GOP’s war against immorality—lashing out against others’ smut and sin while profiting off them yourself.
But then, it’s hardly the only such example. Here are a few more.
Despite years of speaking out against gambling,
Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition, recently admitted that he had taken more than $1 million in fees from lobbyists representing Indian casinos.
Conservative White House “reporter”
Jeff Gannon turned out to be a former gay hooker.
Rupert Murdoch, the owner of conservative Fox News and the New York Post, is also part-owner of DirecTV, which makes millions distributing pornography. Illinois GOP candidate
Jack Ryan dropped out of a race for U.S. Senate after disclosures that he had pressured his former wife, the actress Jeri Ryan, to go to sex clubs with him.
Lynne Cheney is the author of Sisters, a 1981 potboiler described by USA Today as including “brothels, attempted rapes, and a lesbian love affair.”...
The list could go on (Strom Thurmond, anyone?...The GOP bills itself as the party of family values, and in a hundred different ways imposes its moralistic judgments about sex and reproduction on the American people...And all the while the party’s most powerful members live by a double-standard of personal vice and ill-gotten gain.
Of course, hypocrisy on the part of individuals doesn’t entirely negate a morality platform. But at the least, it does suggest that some of the most powerful proponents of “family values” are deeply cynical about that aspect of the Republican agenda. They feel free to impose these values on others even while making a mockery of them in their own lives.
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